Kuchaman City is a city and a municipality in Nagaur District in the Indian State of Rajasthan. The city has a few Havelis in the Shekhawati style and a fort overlooking city on a Hill top. This fort is about 1100 years old built 9th century AD by Rathore rulers Zalim Singh of the area.Recently the shooting of the movie 'DRONA' starring Abhishek Bachan and Priyanka chopra was done in the fort which will further make this fort a huge tourist attraction.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

म्हारा कुचामणियां में जाइजो...लाख रो चूड़ो ल्याईजो

सुहागन के वैसे तो सोलह श्रृंगारमाने जाते है लेकिन सुहागन के श्रृंगार में चूड़ी का महत्त्व अधिक है।हिन्दुस्तान में सुहागन के हाथों में सुन्दर चुडिय़ों का होना अच्छाशगुन माना जाता है और चुडिय़ों का टूटना अपशगुन। जब औरत केसजने संवरने की बात आती है तो बिन्दियां, काजल और चूड़ी कानाम प्रमुख रूप से सामने आता है।

चुडिय़ा भी तरह-तरह की होती है जैसे कि कांच एवं सोने-चांदी सेबनी चुडिय़ां विशेष रूप से प्रचलन में है लेकिन लाख के चूड़े की बातही कुछ और है। कई स्थानों पर शादी-ब्याह में नवविवाहिता के लिएलाख का चूड़ा पहना जाना अनिवार्य माना जाता है। 
वैसे तो प्रत्येक छोटे-बड़े नगर में लाख की चुडिय़ा उपलब्ध हो जाती है लेकिनकुचामन सिटी में बनने वाली लाख की चुडिय़ा
भारतभर में प्रसिद्ध है। राजस्थान के कई मारवाड़ी गीतों में भी कुचामन के लाख केचूड़ों का गुणगान आता है।

पीढिय़ों से बना रहे हैं लाख के चूड़े :  सदर बाजार स्थित 100 साल पुरानी दुकान के मालिक ईस्लामुद्दीन मणियार बताते है 
कुचामनसिटी के दर्जनभर परिवार पिढिय़ों से लाख के चूड़े एवं चुडिय़ां बनाने के व्यवसाय से जूड़े है। ईस्लामुद्दीन बताते है शहर में खासकरमुस्लिम मणियार जाति के लोग ही यह कारोबार करते है। लाख एक प्रकार का पदार्थ होता है जो ठंडे तापमान में जम जाता है एवंउसे कम आग में गर्म करके हाथ एवं मूसल की सहायता से चूड़े के आकार में ढ़ाला जाता है।
चूड़े के ठंडा होने से पहले उस पर रंग-बिरंगे चमकते नगीनों से उसकी सुन्दरता में चार चांद लगाए जाते है। कुचामन में बने 
लाख केचूड़े एवं चुडिय़ां राजस्थान ही नहीं बल्कि सम्पूर्ण हिन्दुस्तान में निर्यात किए जाते है।

Source - Morning News

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ghoomer is ranked 4th among the Top 10 local dances around the world

Source - Hindustan Times (Mumbai - 10.07.13)

Ghoomar, Rajasthan, India
Ghoomar is a traditional folk dance of Rajasthan, India and southern Asia. Ghoomar was developed by the Bhil tribe and was then adopted by other Rajasthani communities. It is performed by women in swirling robes, and accompanied by men and women singing together.
This folk dance gets its name from ‘ghoomna’, the pirouetting which displays the spectacular colors of the flowing ‘ghaghara’, the long skirt of the Rajasthani women. There is an amazing grace as the skirt flair slowly while the women folk twirl in circles, their faces covered with the help of the veil. Their measured steps and various graceful inclinations of the body, beating palms or snapping fingers at particular cadences while singing some lilting songs.Mostly Goddess Saraswati is worshipped during this dance.
This folk dance of Rajasthan is not just a display of rhythmic talent; its graceful performance in conjunction with the twirling of colourful, long-flowing skirts elevates its aesthetic appeal. While the dancers are only veiled women spinning around the room, occasionally snapping or clapping, both men and women are expected to sing together. Like so many folk dances, ghoomar is usually performed during special occasions to worship religious deities.